Sprechen Sie mit uns



Responsible Parties

Bücheler & Kollegen PartG mbB Steuerberater – Wirtschaftsprüfer – Rechtsanwälte is represented by its partners.
List of Partners:
-Attorney Daniel Bücheler
-Auditor and tax advisor, business administration (BA) graduate Uwe Kaiser
-Attorney Stefan Sebastiani
Tax advisor and business administration (BA) graduate Uwe Kaiser is a member of:
Chamber of Tax Advisors of Southern Baden
Wentzingerstraße 19
79106 Freiburg
Phone: +49 (0) 761 70526-0
Fax: + 49 (0) 761 70526-26
E-mail: info@stbk-suedbaden.de
Website: www.stbk-suedbaden.de
Auditor and business administration (BA) graduate Uwe Kaiser is a member of the
Chamber of Public Accountants
Rauchstraße 26
10787 Berlin
Phone: +49 (0) 30 726161-0
Fax: + 49 (0) 30 726161-212
E-mail: kontakt@wpk.de
Website: www.wpk.de
Attorneys Daniel Bücheler and Stefan Sebastiani are members of the
Freiburg Bar Association
Eisenbahnstraße 66
79098 Freiburg
Phone +49 (0) 761/32563
Fax +49 (0) 761/286261
E-mail: info@rak-freiburg.de
Website: www.rechtsanwaltskammer-freiburg.de
All professional titles were awarded in Germany.

Professional Regulations

The following professional regulations apply:
Tax Advisors
Tax Advice Act [Steuerberatungsgesetz]
Implementing Ordinance to the Tax Advice Act [Durchführungsverordnung zum Steuerberatungsgesetz]
Schedule of Fees for Tax Advisors [Steuerberatergebührenverordnung]
Rules of Professional Practice of the Federal Chamber of Tax Advisors [Berufsordnung der Bundessteuerberaterkammer]
These can be found on the website of the Chamber of Tax Advisors of Southern Baden – www.stbk-suedbaden.de.
Auditors’ Ordinance [Wirtschaftsprüferordnung]
Examination Regulation for Auditors [Wirtschaftsprüferprüfungsverordnung]
Rules of Professional Practice for Auditors [Berufssatzung für Wirtschaftsprüfer und vereidigte Buchprüfer]
These can be found on the website of the Chamber of Public Accountants under “Legal Statutes” – www.wpk.de.
Federal Attorneys Code [Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung]
Rules of Professional Practice for Attorneys [Berufsordnung für Rechtsanwälte]
Legal Specialist Code [Fachanwaltsordnung]
Attorney Compensation Act [Gesetz über die Vergütung der Rechtsanwältinnen und Rechtsanwälte]
The CCBE Code of Conduct for European Lawyers 
Act on the Activities of European Attorneys in Germany [Gesetz über die Tätigkeit europäischer Rechtsanwälte in Deutschland]
These can be found on the website of the Federal Bar Association [Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer] under “Berufsrecht” (Professional Regulations). – https://www.brak.de/service/schlichtungsstelle-der-rechtsanwaltschaft/

Insurance Coverage

The professional liability insurance coverage required by law for legal and tax advice exists for Bücheler & Kollegen PartG mbB Steuerberater – Wirtschaftsprüfer – Rechtsanwälte with:
HDI Versicherung AG
HDI-Platz 1
30659 Hanover
The professional liability insurance coverage required by law for the auditing activity of the auditor and business administration (BA) graduate Uwe Kaiser, a partner at Bücheler & Kollegen PartG mbB Steuerberater – Wirtschaftsprüfer – Rechtsanwälte, exists with:
HDI Versicherung AG
HDI-Platz 1
30659 Hanover
The geographical scope of the insurance coverage includes activities in member states of the European Union and therefore meets the minimum requirements of § 51 of the Federal Attorneys’ Code [Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung], § 67 of the Tax Advice Act [Steuerberatungsgesetz], §§ 51 et seq. of the Implementing Ordinance to the Tax Advice Act [Verordnung zur Durchführung der Vorschriften über Steuerberater, Steuerbevollmächtigte und Steuerberatungsgesellschaften] and § 54 of the Auditors Code [Wirtschaftsprüferordnung] in conjunction with the Ordinance on Professional Liability Insurance for Auditors [Verordnung über die Berufshaftpflichtversicherung der Wirtschaftsprüfer und vereidigten Buchprüfer].

Liability for Informational Content

All information and declarations in these websites are non-binding. Bücheler & Kollegen PartG mbB Steuerberater – Wirtschaftsprüfer – Rechtsanwälte is not responsible for ensuring that content is accurate and up-to-date. No warranty is assumed and no undertakings are made as product quality. No legal claims may be derived from the content of the website. Errors in the content will be immediately corrected upon discovery. Because of delays in updating the website, the website content cannot be up-to-date at all times. Therefore, please ask us about the status, technical details and availability of our products and services.

Downloading Data and Software

Bücheler & Kollegen PartG mbB Steuerberater – Wirtschaftsprüfer – Rechtsanwälte assumes no warranty for the freedom from error of data and software which can be downloaded from the website. The software is checked for viruses by Bücheler & Kollegen PartG mbB Steuerberater – Wirtschaftsprüfer – Rechtsanwälte. However, we recommend checking data and software for viruses with the latest virus scanning software after the download.

Copyrights and Other Special Proprietary Rights

The content of this website is copyrighted. The information on the website may be copied onto a single computer for non-commercial and personal internal use. Graphics, text, logos, images, etc. may not be downloaded, duplicated, copied, edited, published, sent out, transmitted or otherwise used without the written consent of Bücheler & Kollegen PartG mbB Steuerberater – Wirtschaftsprüfer – Rechtsanwälte. The product and corporate names cited may be registered trademarks. Unauthorized use may result in damage and desistance claims.


Bücheler & Kollegen PartG mbB Steuerberater – Wirtschaftsprüfer – Rechtsanwälte is not liable for damages, particularly direct or indirect consequential damages, data loss, lost profit, system failures or loss of production, arising from use of these websites or downloading data. If damages arise through use of the websites or downloading data, this exclusion of liability shall not apply in case of intentional action or gross negligence. The relationship between you and Bücheler & Kollegen PartG mbB Steuerberater – Wirtschaftsprüfer – Rechtsanwälte which is established through use of the website shall be subject to the law of the Federal Republic of Germany. In case of legal disputes with merchants arising from use of these websites, the place of jurisdiction shall be the registered office of Bücheler & Kollegen PartG mbB Steuerberater – Wirtschaftsprüfer – Rechtsanwälte in Dachsberg.

Liability for Links to Other Websites

The website of Bücheler & Kollegen PartG mbB Steuerberater – Wirtschaftsprüfer – Rechtsanwälte may contain links to other websites. Bücheler & Kollegen PartG mbB Steuerberater – Wirtschaftsprüfer – Rechtsanwälte has no control over the editorial content of third-party websites or the compliance of their operators with data protection law. Bücheler & Kollegen PartG mbB Steuerberater – Wirtschaftsprüfer – Rechtsanwälte therefore assumes no warranty for this third-party content. The provider or operator of the relevant website is responsible for the content of the linked sites in each case. Linked sites were checked for possible violations at the time that the links were placed. No unlawful content was evident at the time the links were placed. Such links will be immediately removed if we become aware of legal violations.


The website of Bücheler & Kollegen PartG mbB Steuerberater – Wirtschaftsprüfer – Rechtsanwälte generally contains no advertising space. If the contrary is the case, the advertising is delivered via external ad servers. Data collected in connection with online advertising (AdImpressions, AdKlicks) is used only for statistical analysis and to compile reports for advertising clients. No personal data will be used in this regard.
If advertising is delivered, cookies may be used; Bücheler & Kollegen PartG mbB Steuerberater – Wirtschaftsprüfer – Rechtsanwälte exercises no control in this regard.

Dispute Resolution

Online Dispute Resolution
The EU Commission has created an online dispute resolution platform (“ODR platform”). The ODR platform serves as a point of contact for out-of-court resolution of disputes arising from online service contracts. The ODR platform can be accessed at the following address: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/

Federal Bar Association

An independent body has been established by the Federal Bar Association [Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer] in accordance with § 191f of the Federal Attorneys’ Code [Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung] for the conciliation of disputes between members of the Association and their clients. This body is called the “Legal Conciliation Board” [Schlichtungsstelle der Rechtsanwaltschaft]. Details can be found at http://www.brak.de/fuer-verbraucher/schlichtung/schlichtungsstelle-der-rechtsanwaltschaft/.

Out-of-Court Dispute Resolution

Bücheler & Kollegen PartG mbB Steuerberater – Wirtschaftsprüfer – Rechtsanwälte is generally not prepared to take part in dispute resolution proceedings before the Legal Conciliation Board of the Federal Bar Association or any other consumer conciliation body in accordance with the Act on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Consumer Affairs.

Dachsberg Office

Bücheler & Kollegen PartG mbB
Steuerberater – Wirtschaftsprüfer – Rechtsanwälte

Rathausstr. 2
79875 Dachsberg
Phone: +49 (0) 7672 93 19-0
Fax: + 49 (0) 7672 93 19-33

E-Mail: mail@buecheler-kollegen.de

VAT ID: DE142835649



Freiburg Office

Bücheler & Kollegen PartG mbB
Steuerberater – Wirtschaftsprüfer – Rechtsanwälte

Kartäuserstraße 39a
79102 Freiburg
Phone: +49 (0) 761 217 09 03-0
Fax: +49 (0) 761 217 09 03-9

E-Mail: mail@buecheler-kollegen.de

VAT ID: DE142835649



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Alpenblickstrasse 10
79761 Waldshut-Tiengen
Tel.: +49 (0)160 944 33 475

Email: info@blueforest.design
Web: www.blueforest.design